Racial Justice
As Jews, we believe that every human being, regardless of race, is deserving of full inclusion and every opportunity. Deep-seated systemic racism and inequities that disadvantage communities of color are still woven into the fabric of our institutions today –systemic racism permeates the starkly segregated world of housing; in our public schools, students of color are too often confined to racially isolated, underfunded, and inferior programs; and our criminal justice system disproportionately targets and subjects people of color to police brutality, incarcerates them and imposes numerous collateral consequences, and criminalizes poverty. The dream of equal justice remains an elusive one.
NCJW Greater Long Beach & West Orange County and its partners and allies strive to educate and empower our members and the community on a variety of issues, including race as it relates to economic justice, inequality in education and Anti-Semitism.
In the summer of 2020, we held a virtual webinar, White Supremacy, White Nationalism and Anti-Semitisim Today, featuring Eric Ward of the Western States Center and Rabbi Peter Levy of the Anti-Defamation League of Orange County. You may view that webinar here: Webinar Archives.