Our Section maintains partnerships with a number of organizations which under our bylaws requires that a member be on the organization’s board.
Clergy & Laity United for Economic Justice educates, organizes, and mobilizes the faith community to accompany workers and their families in their struggle for good jobs, dignity, and justice.
JFCS of Long Beach & West Orange County (JFCS)
Jewish Family and Children’s Service is an independent nonsectarian organization envisioning a community healed, one person, one family at a time. JFCS supports individuals, families, and children in Long Beach, West Orange County, and surrounding communities with an array of affordable services, including counseling, support groups, care management for older adults, court-referred counseling, emergency financial assistance, and referrals.
Long Beach Early Childhood Education Committee (LBECE)
The LBECE Committee includes educators, advocates, and caregivers of children ages zero to five who work together to support early care and education services, build capacity, and expand available resources to meet the needs of young children and families in the greater Long Beach area.
Long Beach Homeless Coalition (LBHC)
The mission of the Long Beach Homeless Coalition is “to foster connection between individuals, groups, and organizations who desire to aid people experiencing homelessness."
This is the region’s largest nonprofit dedicated solely to newborn and pregnancy health. Their programs are aimed at disrupting the combined dynamics of poverty, lack of health insurance, and barriers to care, which often lead to impaired maternal and infant health at birth. Ensuring favorable health conditions during pregnancy and the critical first year of an infant’s development contributes to preventing long-term consequences for families. Programs include high-impact home visits and group classes.
Members of our Section also serve on the Boards of other organizations:
Foster Care Legal Network
The Foster Care Legal Network, formerly known as the Human Trafficking Legal Network, advances creative ways in which the legal profession may contribute to efforts to prevent and end the modern slavery of human trafficking. It specializes in connecting lawyers with opportunities to volunteer. The Network is part of a campaign to educate America about the causes of human trafficking and help advance enlightened solutions.
Allies are organizations that have been vetted by either our Section or at the National level that we may on occasion partner with for programs or activities.
Anti-Defammation League – Orange County and Long Beach
The Orange County/Long Beach Regional office covers the area south of Los Angeles and north of San Diego. With a population of more than 4 million people, the region is home to Long Beach—just named the ‘Most Diverse City in America,’ Santa Ana-‘The Most Hispanic City in America, and the world’s largest communities of Vietnamese andCambodians outside of their home nations. In contrast to the stereotypes depicted in shows like “The OC,” and the “Real Housewives of Orange County,” the region has a rich ethnic, cultural and religious landscape. Our regional office, located in the heart of Orange County and within easy distance of Long Beach is well known for our No Place for Hate education programming, our defense of the region’s Jewish population and our willingness to fight for justice for all people.
American Association of University Women,
The mission of AAUW Long Beach is to advance equity for women and girls in Long Beach and beyond.
Based in Los Angeles, Black Women for Wellness implements educational, outreach, and engagement programs, with the goal of expanding accessible, appropriate, and affordable healthcare services that positively impact health outcomes for Black women and girls. By building the personal, communal, and political power of Black women and girls within California, another goal is to influence public policy, organize, and expand outreach.
Compton YouthBuild (operated by EntreNous Youth Empowerment Services, Inc., a501(c)3 organization)
The purpose of Compton YouthBuild (an affiliate of YouthBuild USA) is to provide rigorous educational and occupational opportunities for youth ages 16+ who are invested in creating a sustainable future for themselves, their families and their communities. Compton YouthBuild’s goal is to improve outcomes for historically disadvantaged people.
DAYS Long Beach serves low-income, underserved families in Long Beach through free educational programming and youth development. It supports achievement by providing children and families with opportunities to develop skills, apply concepts they have learned, and build positive relationships. DAYS Long Beach provides services in three key areas: youth education and support; leadership and academic success; and parent and family support.
Families Uniting Families works to cultivate nurturing and knowledgeable families to protect and meaningfully enhance the welfare and stability of vulnerable children and their families. FUF was formed as a unique response to provide additional foster families in Los Angeles and Orange Counties, but more specifically, families interested in working with youth aged 14-21 at a time when most were uninterested due to the extensive needs and volatility of the adolescents in the system.
For The Child offers professional prevention, education, and treatment services for child sexual, physical, and emotional abuse, severe neglect, the impact of witnessing domestic or community violence, the victimization of human trafficking, and other adverse childhood experiences. It provides court-based childcare, offers a 24/7 Child Abuse Response Team, helps meet emergency needs, and improves the daily lives of at-risk and abused low-income children and vulnerable families.
League of Women Voters of Long Beach Area
The League of Women Voters, a nonpartisan political organization, encourages informed and active participation in government and influences public policy through education and advocacy. It does not support or oppose any political party or any candidate. However, it takes action on selected government issues in the public interest.
The Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services (LA DCFS) promotes child safety and well-being by partnering with communities to strengthen families, keeping children at home whenever possible, and connecting them with stable, loving homes in times of need. DCFS works with more than 50 community-based organizations to provide support services.
Los Angeles County Office of Child Protection's Delinquency Prevention Subcommittee
The Delinquency Prevention Subcommittee of the Office of Child Protection's Dual-Status Youth Workgroup addresses developing and implementing a delinquency prevention continuum of care—one starting in the community before maltreatment begins and representing a powerful opportunity to empower children, youth, families, and communities.
Long Beach City College Foundation for the Viking Student Emergency & Basic Needs Fund
The Mission of the group as part of the Long Beach Foundation,
is to assist housing and food-insecure students with basic needs and other support so they can focus on their academic success.
The Long Beach Gray Panthers is a multigenerational movement of people who believe there is a solution to all of the social and economic injustices in our society. It provides education and advocacy on older-adult issues in social and economic justice: a clean, sustainable environment; preservation and expansion of Social Security and Medicare; quality health care for all; decent affordable housing; full employment or adequate income for those unable to work.
Long Beach Human Trafficking Task Force
The Task Force is working to end modern-day slavery in our community. It is a multidisciplinary, survivor-centered, collaborative community effort by law enforcement agencies and community-based organizations to combat human trafficking by identifying, rescuing, and empowering survivors and assisting in the prosecution of traffickers.
Long Beach Trauma Recovery Center
The Long Beach Trauma Recovery Center was founded by California State University, Long Beach to address barriers to mental health services in diverse communities. It seeks to improve the daily lives of people affected by violence, crime, and trauma by providing them with no-cost comprehensive services and linkages to individualized assistance.
Los Angeles County Office of Child Protection's Delinquency Prevention Subcommittee
The Delinquency Prevention Subcommittee of the Office of Child Protection's Dual-Status Youth Workgroup addresses developing and implementing a delinquency prevention continuum of care—one starting in the community.
NARAL Pro-Choice California, a grassroots pro-choice advocacy organization in our state, believes that every woman should be able to make personal decisions about her reproductive health options. NARAL Pro-Choice California works to protect every woman’s right to access the full range of reproductive health care, including preventing unintended pregnancy, bearing healthy children, and choosing legal abortion. NARAL Pro-Choice California is the state affiliate of NARAL Pro-Choice America.
Orange County Human Trafficking Task Force
Orange County Human Trafficking Task Force’s mission is to increase human trafficking awareness, identify and close gaps in anti-trafficking efforts, and collaborate in an exchange of services to assist the complex needs of this victim population. The Orange County Human Trafficking Task Force is co-chaired by the Anaheim Police Department and Waymakers. The lead agencies for the Task Force also include the California Highway Patrol, Irvine Police Department, Santa Ana Police Department, Orange County District Attorney's Office, Orange County Probation Department, Orange County Social Services Agency, The Salvation Army, U.S. Attorney's Office, and U.S. Department of Homeland Security. The OCHTFF collaborates with approximately 60 governmental and community-based organizations.
Orange County Jewish Coalition for Refugees (OCJCR)
OCJCR, a volunteer-led affiliate of HIAS (formerly known as Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society), is a group of individuals, synagogues, and Jewish communal organizations inspired by our people’s history to support refugees locally and worldwide. OCJCR is a signatory to the HIAS Welcome Campaign, a network of 400+ congregations and organizations across the United States who are responding to the largest refugee crisis in human history.
Planned Parenthood Orange & San Bernardino Counties (PPOSBC) - Community Action Fund
The Community Action Fund is the political arm of Planned Parenthood of Orange and San Bernardino Counties. It's an independent, nonprofit, and nonpartisan organization dedicated to protecting and expanding individual rights to reproductive choice and access to family planning.
UFW is working for a safe and just food supply by focusing on four areas: integrity – doing the right thing even when no one is looking; a Si Se Puede® attitude – a personal and organizational spirit that promotes confidence, courage, hard work, and the belief that we can do the impossible; dignity – recognizing and respecting the inherent worth of all people; and innovation – the active pursuit of new ideas.
The mission of WSLB is to eliminate domestic violence through compassionate intervention, education, and personal empowerment. Since 1977, WomenShelter of Long Beach has helped thousands of families overcome the trauma caused by domestic abuse.