Send a Tribute - Recognition and Memorials
Make a donation in the name of a family member, colleague, friend, or loved one. When you make a tax-deductible donation to a specific tribute fund, your donation supports the mission of NCJW Greater Long Beach & West Orange County to provide services and advocate for issues important to women, children, and families. ​
An honorary gift provides special recognition for lifecycle events and special occasions, while financially supporting those in need and at risk. Memorial gifts can pay homage to the memories of loved ones and provide messages of support and sympathy.
Our Section has been actively working to improve the lives of women, children, and families for the last 76 years! So that we can all honor the organization’s amazing past, present, and future accomplishments through donation, please choose from one or more of the funds below.
Complete the information below to send a tribute today. (Minimum donation of $5)
You can also mail a check payable to NCJW along with a note telling us how to direct your gift, and send it to:
NCJW - Greater Long Beach &
West Orange County
3801 E. Willow St.
Long Beach, CA 90815
NCJW - GLB & WOC is a 501(c)(3) organization which depends on your support to fulfill its mission. All contributions are tax deductible to the full extent of the law. Our Tax Identification Number (TIN) is 956122123.
Abortion Comfort Kits Fund: Covers costs associated with preparation and distribution of after-abortion care kits to out-of-state women obtaining an abortion in California.
Abortion Justice and Reproductive Rights Advocacy Fund: Provides support for advocacy and educational programming regarding abortion access, birth control, and reproductive rights. This fund also supports work on local and statewide legislation around reproductive rights, and work to encourage sex education programs in schools.
Addressing Anti-Semitism/Hate Advocacy Fund
Supports community outreach and engagement in the broader Long Beach community in order to combat antisemitism and racism.
Barbara Shipnuck Women's Advocacy Fund: Empowers the Advocacy Vice President(s) to direct funds to support whatever project is most needed.
College Student Health and Welfare Fund: Subsidizes the purchase of nutritious items for food-insecure students for Long Beach City College's food pantries and supports other health and welfare needs identified by LBCC.
Denise Berro Kindergarten Festival Fund: Provides backpacks (filled by LBUSD with school supplies) and books for children entering kindergarten at multiple annual spring festivals.
Domestic Violence Fund: Assists women’s shelters through monetary and/or in-kind donations and enables us to offer public education about this issue.
General Fund: Supports local Section operating expenses, including leadership development and lobbying in Washington, D.C., and Sacramento.
Homelessness Assistance Fund: Supports Long Beach programs on the front lines of homeless people's daily survival needs
Hugpack Fund: Enables us to purchase backpacks and age-appropriate supplies (e.g., hygiene, school items, and books) for children who are in the foster care system and to support other needs as identified by the Los Angeles Department of Children and Family Services.
Immigrant Services Fund: Provides support and assistance to immigrants and displaced people.
Linda Calderón Memorial Scholarship Fund: Offers scholarships every other year to Jewish students pursuing college, university, or trade school education residing in the greater Long Beach and West Orange County area.
Senior Outreach Fund: Supports senior outreach projects and programming.