Time & Location
Time is TBD
Alpert JCC, 3801 E Willow St, Long Beach, CA 90815, USA
About the event
Come hear what's happening to kids in "the system," what needs to change, and what you can do to help! Four experts will share their expertise from the front lines, and you'll leave informed, inspired to take action, and ways to get involved! Reserve now at the link below. It's only a week away!
Hear from these experts:
Jennifer Lorson, JD is an attorney for the Children’s Law Center of California, the largest nonprofit law firm in the nation, where she represents “cross-over” kids who are dealing with both the juvenile dependency and the juvenile justice systems.
Mark C. Wynn, JD worked for years in LA County’s Public Defender Office and in Juvenile Justice Court and is now a resource attorney helping kids with educational rights advocacy, developmental rights advocacy, and school discipline matters.
Judge Terry T. Truong oversees LA County’s Transition Age Youth (TAY) Court, hearing cross-over juvenile dependency and juvenile justice cases for 18- to 21-year-olds. She is also president of the California Asian-Pacific American Judges Association.
Paul Freese, JD is a public interest attorney who has developed several programs to protect and engage our most isolated and vulnerable kids – those experiencing homelessness, immigration distress, foster care, and the justice system.