Time & Location
Sep 26, 2024, 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM
Alpert JCC Auditorium, 3801 E. Willow St, Long Beach, CA 90815
About the event
Many helping hands are needed, so join us in giving a "hug" to vulnerable children entering or in the foster care system, from ages infants and toddlers to high school! Come learn about and participate under our new plan for packing HugPacks for all 5 age levels at each and every event, increasing our yearly total from 650 to 720 as we move forward! As always, we send huge kudos to Sara Silva and her team at Compton YouthBuild for keeping this project running so smoothly!
Snacks and drinks are provided, and we guarantee that doing good for others will feel wonderful! While you have your calendars out, why not reserve HugPack evenings for all 2024-2025 packings? Our dates are Sept. 26, Nov. 7, March 13 and April 24, with an RSVP 2 days before each session in order to submit an attendee list required by the Alpert JCC.
Please RSVP by September 24, 2024 by emailing communityservice@ncjwlongbeach.org or calling (657) 235-2511. An RSVP is required to volunteer.