Annual Book Review
It's About Love After All
Essays on Child Welfare
By The Honorable Sherri Sobel, Ret.
Join us for lunch!
Sunday, March 2 at 11:30 am
The Grand
We invite you to join us for lunch at The Grand and to hear our very own Hon. Sherri Sobel, Ret., discuss her powerful book It's About Love After All. Most people know little about what happens in dependency court. You’ll learn what happens behind the courtroom doors; sit on the bench with the judge as she shares the hard work involved in protecting the most vulnerable people in our community.
Sherri wrote this about her wonderful book:
It’s About Love After All: Essays on Child Welfare is a book about my 35 years in child welfare. These stories about families run the gamut of emotions – from funny to sad to exasperating. In these pages, you will find out what happens behind courtroom doors as well as read about abuse, rehabilitation, generational cycles, and poverty.
What I want is to have you, the reader, sit on the bench with me. I want you to see the hard work of protecting our most vulnerable population, but mostly to see that these are people. People who struggle with the same issues we all struggle with. Human beings trying to access dignity are recognized as worthy of help. These families often fail, but with our help, they can rise and succeed. If we can’t save the parents, we can and must fulfill our promise to the children entrusted to us to make their lives better before they leave the system. I hope my stories inspire you to think about what you can do to help families that are part of our American village.
$57.00 Ticket includes lunch
Lunch starts promptly at 11:30 am and includes
a California field green salad, one of three entree selections, plus dessert!
(tuxedo trifle mousse cake or fruit - yum!)
Be sure to choose one of these entrees when you purchase your ticket.
Asian Inspired Salmon - Shittake mushrooms, bok choy & a sweet soy reduction; served with rice pilaf and the chef's seasonal vegetables
- Penne Pasta - With garlic, olive oil & herbs, and vegetables
- Buttermilk squash with vegetables and balsamic glaze, served with asparagus and red potatoes
​​​​​​​For further information, please programs@ncjwlongbeach.org or (657) 235-2511.